
Mine getting ready!

The mine is getting ready for the new game! Check it out!


  1. Hey Podlpops here are the beta rules

    1.At least check the site evry day twice
    2.No making horrible comments
    3.Feel free to advertise your blog after every single comment you make here's an example:

    -podlpops CPZ Mod

    There it is waddle on!

  2. Oh and plz can u go here beta testers can join as well

  3. http://8zankoo8cpcheats.blogspot.com/p/penguin-of-month.html

  4. Sorry im making so many commens i just keep forgetting to tell u
    plz go on my site and read slippeys post and put the banner on ur sidear the remembarance one you will see it u dont have to if u dont wanna

  5. wat is a beta tester ans i looked at ur funny pics they are so funny lol=)

  6. Heyy everyone!
    Theres a new competition on The CP Genius! Be sure to check it out! Theres prizes! :-)

    Whizzbobrox - The CP Genius

  7. Oh those were my old funny pics im gonna make new ones soon

  8. 8zankoo8, i tried to coment at ur site but i cant dont know why :(

    oh and magno20, can u check out my funny pictures too? u dont have to but i'd like someone to see them... thanks

  9. Thats because you can only comment on my homepage anywayz did you see the compo to get penguin of the month


Please feel free to coment, but...

1. Be nice!
2. Don't be rude!
3. Don't make other people feel bad!
4. Don't insult anyone!
5. Don't use bad language!
6. Don't give out personal information!
7. Be funny, original, nice, friendly...
8. Feel free to advertise!

Please follow these comenting rules, they are very simple, and if you break the rules you will be in serious trouble. If you own a CP related website, please feel free to advertise and it may be added on our blogroll!

~Waddle on!