
Penguin Style April 2010!

New catalog out today! It's all about recycling! It has recycling backgrounds, shirts and more! Also 2 new designs for design your own T-shirt, and the drill that makes trees we voted for back in January (i think it was January i'm not very sure), also 2 bunny costumes and some new hairstyles!

Hidden items:
1. On the second page click on the cup on the table to get a red viking helmet, if you click enough times the blue viking helmet will appear.
2. On the fourth page click on the trees on the tree drill to get Cocoa Bunny Ears, and on the G of "Penguins at work" to get a Cocoa Bunny Costume.

That's it, not many hidden items this time, but I like the recycling theme! Enjoy!


  1. u now ur link at the top u need to change it to my new one.

  2. Oh, Ok thnx for reminding me.

  3. Here is my poem thingy

    An April Fool,
    Thinks He's Cool,
    He Makes Jokes,
    And Then Pokes,
    He Likes To Prank,
    With His High Rank,
    Then To Laugh,
    At His Half!


  4. Cool poem Policeman655! Also, remember when you invited me here? Well...
    In my opininon, it is a pretty cool blog! P.S. Thnx again for following me and my blog!

  5. Hi again Podlepops! I just noticed my blog is on your blogroll. Thnx SO much! You totally rock!

  6. I made my poem on the events page

  7. Can you put me on your blogroll, your on mine

  8. This is my haiku

    Fools around the island
    Partying with craziness
    Hope you don't get lost!

  9. Policeman655, cool poem!

    Shawn Lily, thanks! you and ur blog rock too!

    Snowy65174, i'll check ur poem out now, and by the way ur already on my blogroll and thnx for adding me to urs :)

  10. Great Haiku Queen Binawa!! :)

  11. I saw ur poem snowy65174, it rocks!

  12. yer i agree and also thnx for the catalogue cheat


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~Waddle on!