
Here, you can order a fan banner or header and I will make one for you! I can usually make the banner/header for you the same day you order it, but if for any reason I'm busy or can't log onto the computer, I can take up to 2 days! Please order!

I have made banners for:

1. Slidoo
2. Magno20
3. Lopakoy
4. Lemon2608
5. Queen Binawa
6. kkkkkk123
7. Chimpbrad
8. 8Zankoo8

I will be very happy to make banners/headers for you, don't hesitate to ask for one! If you want one just coment saying:

1. Your penguin name
2. Your website's name
3. Your website's address
4. The colors you want for it
5. Anything you don't want on it

For example:

Hi, can you make a banner for me?
Penguin name: Podlepops
Website name: Camp Club Penguin
Website address:
Colors: purple, blue and pink
What I don't want on it: No stripes or polka dots!

Order today!

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1. Be nice!
2. Don't be rude!
3. Don't make other people feel bad!
4. Don't insult anyone!
5. Don't use bad language!
6. Don't give out personal information!
7. Be funny, original, nice, friendly...
8. Feel free to advertise!

Please follow these comenting rules, they are very simple, and if you break the rules you will be in serious trouble. If you own a CP related website, please feel free to advertise and it may be added on our blogroll!

~Waddle on!