
Camp Club Penguin Mods are:

Top Mod:
Legendary Mod:
Mega Mod: Magno20
Super Mod:
Awesome Mod:
Mod: 8Zankoo8
Mod: Whizzbobrox
About to be a Mod:

Mod Rules:

To be a mod, you must coment regularly and answer ppl's questions on this website and be nice and helpful on it. Another way to be a mod, is by winning a contest (1st place), as it shows you read this blog.
If a mod is found hacking, swearing, insulting or breaking any of the comenting rules he will be kicked out of the mod list!

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Please feel free to coment, but...

1. Be nice!
2. Don't be rude!
3. Don't make other people feel bad!
4. Don't insult anyone!
5. Don't use bad language!
6. Don't give out personal information!
7. Be funny, original, nice, friendly...
8. Feel free to advertise!

Please follow these comenting rules, they are very simple, and if you break the rules you will be in serious trouble. If you own a CP related website, please feel free to advertise and it may be added on our blogroll!

~Waddle on!