Far too many people have been quitting lately, first it was Toysgoneby, Racket2000, Policeman655 and now Queen Binawa is gonna quit!! WHY? WHY? WHY?
Why is everyone soooo negative and soo... I don't have the right words to describe it... they quit because of spammers, hackers, because they don't get enough views... Don't you see that's plain STUPID? I mean, not to insult anyone, ur all really good friends and I hope I don't like, offend anyone or anything, but what ur doing is EXACTLY what spammers and hackers want you to do. They want you to quit, so they spam you, hack you or whatever. If you quit, you're just doing what they want you to do, you're giving them reason, you're practically yelling "HEY SPAMMERS! UR RIGHT! MY SITE STINKS! SO HEY, DON'T WORRY, CAUSE GUESS WHAT? I QUIT!!!" don't u see that makes no sense? What you SHOULD do, is delete the coments, ignore them and show the spammers you don't care, you don't give a d*** for their stupid coments and show them what you're made of, show them ur strong, their coments don't get to you. Trust me, i've had expierences with bullies, spammers, hackers and well... if i lived through it, so can you right?
As for hackers... well hackers are ppl wo are REALLY bored and are REALLY mean and just go to your site and do something weird to it or whatever. What to do? Switch sites. The hackers maybe won't know what ur new site is, and if they do, chances are they're not gonna guess your password twice, or they'll get bored with hacking you and just move on, that's what happened to me, see? Switched sites, end of story.
So what if you don't get as many views and coments as, say, Mimo777? OK his site is like YEARS old. When he started blogging his site was probably not very popular either, but slowly...very slowly... he started winning fame, that's what will happen to you. That's what we're all aiming for right? Don't give up so easily, work hard for it, rewards will come... maybe soon, you never know... perseverance is the key to everything, just keep going, keep trying again and again and again, don't quit. People will start learning about your sites soon, and they'll tell their friends and before you know it... ZAP! Your site is more popular than Mimo777's, but hey, this might take years, don't say i didn't warn you...
I'm just saying you shouldn't quit because of hackers, spammers or lack of coments and views, just work your way out of problems, lifes good right? But it's also short, so if you enjoy blogging, why stop doing it? You gotta live life to the max, enjoy, forget about silly dudes trying to ruin your fun, so don't quit, cause all of your friends will be sad and disappointed, and besides, you migt have more fans than you think...
If you're quitting cuz someone hates you, argued with you or did something mean to you i can only say.... are u OUT OF YOUR MIND? Do you have an idea of how many ppl hate me? How many mean things ppl have done to me? Do you see me posting about quitting and never coming back? NO, cuz with time, u learn to get over it, ignore ppl who want to waste their time making things tough for you, at the moment, you might be angry, mad or even furious, but just wait 'till you calm down before you post about quitting OK? Cause u give the rest of us quite a shock. Just ignore them for a while, and then try to fix things, don't just jump to quitting directly.
So, think twice before quitting, cuz you'll probably regret it.
If it's for personal reasons I don't wanna butt in, i can only hope u know what ur doing...
So, think of your reasons for quitting. Are they really good enough? Is having, whoever it is, hate you really important enough to make you want to quit? Make you wanna leave what you love? Think not only about yourself, but of all the ppl who luv ur site, and are ur friends. For us, it hurts to see you go. So don't. Please spare a few broken hearts.
If you're not enjoying blogging anymore, then that's more reasonable, if you're not enjoying it, feel free to go, no one can force you to do something you don't want to do. But if your reason is you think your too old for CP, just remember, you're never too old to have fun.
Think about what i've just spent a loooooong time writing, please don't make my effort go in vain. And if you ever feel the urge to quit, read this post before you do, it might help change your mind :)