

Magno20's Competition Picture:

My CP toys collection:

Magno20 is having a competition at his site: http://www.clubmag.blogspot.com/ about taking a picture to a CP toy somewhere funny. I decided to enter and here is the picture! I know its a bit mean with all the "poke the penguin" stuff but oh well... LOL

The other picture is my CP toys collection, I took a picture of it because, well... I had my camera out, and I was with my CP toys anyway so... I took the pic. Above are all my CP toys, not many, but oh well: pink puffle, yellow puffle, gamma gal, EPF videogame for Nintendo DS, 6 month membership card and some coin codes that came with the toys!

Enjoy and remember to enter Magno20's Competition!


  1. is the top one the one ur entering for my comp

  2. 8Zankoo8 if you go on my banner page i have the penguin of the month banner thing please check it out.

  3. yeah the top one is the one for ur comp magno20


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~Waddle on!