
What's coming up?

This is a pic from the comunity blog! A sneek peak at what's coming up in April, and we all know what that is... APRIL FOOLS DAY!!
I love that party its sooo much fun! I can't wait LOL.


  1. LOL Magno! Plz say that we can walk upside down!


  2. Magno20 said...
    It makes me dizzy
    It makes my dizzy too!

  3. Ur header u could try and make it the size of ur header so u dont see the green bit and try and make ur blog more like u.

  4. what do u mean more like me?

  5. try and get it to fit

  6. why not make a poll for other penguins to decide thats wat u usally do if ther is anyhting i can help u with just ask.

  7. lol I can use penguin storm to make april fools party come early! I already turned myself into a puffle and walked upside down!

  8. but its hacking u could get banned forever thats why i dont use ut.

  9. Hey! I am Slidoo… and I make fantastic banners and headers!! I can make them animated, and much, much more!! If you want one for FREE, then go to my blog, (www.slidoo.blogspot.com) and go to the order page! Just do what it says there… you won’t be disappointed! That’s a guarantee!



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~Waddle on!