

Whizzbobrox is a cool, friendly penguin who is happy to tell you everything there is to know on CP on his awesome website, the CP genius: www.thecpgenius.blogspot.com
Please visit it and check out all the pages! If you see him around CP, please add him!
He has won the wackee outfit competition and the penguin of the week!

This is Whizzbobrox's button for winning the wackee outfit competition. Please put it on your sites!


  1. Woah! thanks Podlepops!

  2. Can i add it to my blog.

  3. Can i add it to my blog?

  4. Sure Zankoo! Im happy for anyone to add to their blog! :-)

  5. Thanks the banners at the bottom and podlepops would you like to be a beta tester on my site its a person when you comment and say the spelling mistakes i did wrong in my posts do u wanna be one?

  6. yeah! i totally wanna b a beta tester!


Please feel free to coment, but...

1. Be nice!
2. Don't be rude!
3. Don't make other people feel bad!
4. Don't insult anyone!
5. Don't use bad language!
6. Don't give out personal information!
7. Be funny, original, nice, friendly...
8. Feel free to advertise!

Please follow these comenting rules, they are very simple, and if you break the rules you will be in serious trouble. If you own a CP related website, please feel free to advertise and it may be added on our blogroll!

~Waddle on!