
Puffle Rescue!

Puffle rescue game is out! Three puffles to rescue: pink puffle and black puffle for members and blue puffle for non members! In the game you gotta go and find the puffle and rescue it! It's kinda like those platform games LOL. Also blue is on ice, pink on like a mine and black underwater. Caves are open now too, the same as before but you have to find a key in the black puffle game to enter the underwater room and instead of getting a pin if you dig in the mud, you get coins. Dig there and every time you'll get 2 coins! Enjoy!


  1. it is so cool also u can put mod under your name like wat i do on ur blog.

  2. Did you see my penguin of the month compo then?
    if u did all u have to do is make a penguin of the month banner simple and the best one gets more then 5 prizes

  3. ok 8zankoo8 i'll make a penguin of the month banner =) i hope i win

    and magno20, yeah i'll write mod thingie on ur site LOL


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