

One of the penguins to be interviewed, Magno20, has already answered all of my questions! They are a variation from CP in the actuality, to blogs, names and more. Here they are:

Q: In the CP Play Awards, which play are you voting for as best play?
A: Squizoid vs shadow guy and gamma gal

Q: What do you think of the new Puffle Rescue game?
A: Brilliant, I like the black puffle one because of the shadow of the squid and you follow it and then you end up in the hidden sea place.

Q: What is the thing you like most about the CP Play Awards?
A: Backstage, because I feel like a star there.

Q: If you had to be either a cameraman, reporter or photographer which one would you be and why?
A: Photographer, so in the future I have the pictures to remind me.

Q: What is the thing you enjoy most about blogging?
A: Meeting new penguins and friends and posting my ideas on what could be happening and replying to coments as quick as possible.

Q: When did you decide you wanted to make a CP blog?
A: It started when I logged on CP and saw whizzbobrox and he was advertising his blog so I had always wanted a CP blog but was never sure how to make one so then I made a blogspot account.

Q: Have you ever met any famous penguins like Aunt Arctic on CP? Who?
A: Rockhopper, three years ago, he gave me an eye patch.

Q: How long have you been playing CP for?
A: Since 2005, I had an account called magno11 I made it round my friend's house but my friend looked at his brother's email and he hacked my account and changed the password then by 2006 I made you know him, Magno20.

Q: Do you enjoy entering other people's competitions? Which ones have you entered?
A: I like Podlepops comps but to be honest podlepops sometimes you have too many comps, but they are brilliant. I have entered Whizzbobrox's and 8Zankoo8's comps.

Q: Why did you choose the name "Club Mag" for your blog?
A: Its meant to mean Club Penguin and Magno20 in one so it's club for Club Penguin and Mag for Magno20, Club Mag.

Q: On a 1-10 scale how would you rate your own site?
A: 8 because I update it regularly, reply to other ppl and sometimes I beat Mimo777 updating.

Q: How did you start playing CP?
A: My friend who hacked Magno11 told me. I could not make a penguin on my laptop at the time coz it would not load but laptops then were not as good as today.

That's all! Now you know more about Magno20, his site and his opinions and history of CP. Thanks a million Magno20 for volunteering and taking your time to answer thse questions. Now I'm waiting for Chimpbrad to give me his email so I can send him some questions (not the same ones) too. As a prize both Magno20 and Chimpbrad will get a special post and their player cards posted on this blog and I'll put up an advertising thing here so ppl will visit ur sites!


  1. Podleopos do you think i could have a fan banner plz?

  2. hi thnx allot podlepops its was nothing.

  3. i have a party look at my blog for more detail

  4. Can you please enter my contest?

  5. yeah 8zankoo8 sure i'll make u a fan banner,
    magno20, im gonna check out ur party details now
    snowy i'll go and see what its about


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